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Travel Insurance
Why you need travel insurance when you travel to Fiji
You don’t want to lose all your money if you have to cancel your trip.
Even the best-planned trips sometimes have to be canceled. But many travel providers — especially tour operators, cruise lines and airlines — offer minimal or no refunds for last-minute cancellations. If this happens, can you afford to lose all the money you’ve spent on your trip?
One of the best reasons to buy travel insurance is to have the protection of trip cancellation benefits. These can reimburse you for prepaid, nonrefundable trip costs when you must cancel for a covered reason.
Accidents can happen while traveling.
You may experience a medical crisis during their trip, such as trauma, broken bones, heart attacks, and strokes. When you have travel insurance you may even be able to arrange payment in advance for covered emergency medical care.
Your health insurance probably won’t work overseas.
If you get seriously sick or hurt in another country, don’t expect your health insurance card to help. Foreign medical facilities and providers often require cash payment up front and do not accept insurance plans from other countries.
Medical evacuations can be really expensive.
If you get seriously sick or badly hurt while traveling overseas, and you need to be taken via helicopter to the nearest high-quality hospital, the cost can be enormous. In some parts of the world, a medical evacuation can potentially cost six figures and that doesn’t even include the cost of getting you home again.2
Only 80 percent of flights arrive on time.
This is why you need travel insurance with travel delay benefits, which can reimburse you for additional accommodation, meals or travel expenses and lost prepaid expenses due to a covered departure delay. You’ll be much happier if you have insurance that can reimburse you for your airport lunch or unexpected extra night in the hotel.
A missing bag can ruin your trip.
In 2016, the world’s airlines mishandled 21.6 million bags, meaning they were lost or temporarily misplaced. The good news is that airlines are getting better at keeping track of baggage, even as passenger numbers increase. The bad news is that some bags around 7 percent are never reunited with their owners.
Mick's Fiji Insurances
Mick's Fiji ensures that it is fully compliant with all the necessary insurances in force. for your protection. While Mick's Fiji has high quality insurances in place for your protection we highly recommend that you also have comprehensive Travel Insurance.
Mick's Fiji Public Liability Insurance
Mick's Fiji has public liability insurance of $3,000,000 with The New India Assurance Company.
Details of the insurance policy can be provided upon request.
Mick's Fiji Motor Vehicle Insurance
All of Mick's Fiji's vehicles are comprehensively insured including comprehensive passenger insurance of $100,000.
Travel and Vaccination
Fully vaccinated tourists and travelers from Travel Partner Countries (including Australia) may enter Fiji without prior approval or quarantine. At check-in, you must present evidence of a negative COVID-19 (RT-PCR) test taken 72 hours before departure and proof of full vaccination. You must also show proof you've booked and paid for a minimum of 3 nights accommodation at a Care Fiji Commitment (CFC) certified property (hotel or resort). This must include CFC certified transport from the airport. You may take part in CFC approved excursions and activities within the Safe Travel Area during this period. Two days after you arrive in Fiji, you'll need to take an approved Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) at your hotel. After testing negative, you can continue to explore the Safe Travel Area or enter the community. You must have travel insurance with international coverage for COVID-19.
Refer to CAREFIJI for updates as the information above may be out of date at the time of reading.
Commercial Licensed Vehicles
All of Mick's Fiji's vehicles are commercially licensed and registered for tourism & commercial use with the the Fijian Land Transport Authority (LTA)