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Mick's Fiji is Fully Compliant and Certified with CAREFIJI Covid-19 Safe Plan. All staff are 100% Vaccinated
Visitors to Fiji should only travel with tourism operators that are certified with CAREFIJI Covid -19 Safe Program
Travel and Vaccination
Fully vaccinated tourists and travelers from Travel Partner Countries (including Australia) may enter Fiji without prior approval or quarantine. At check-in, you must present evidence of a negative COVID-19 (RT-PCR) test taken 72 hours before departure and proof of full vaccination. You must also show proof you've booked and paid for a minimum of 3 nights accommodation at a Care Fiji Commitment (CFC) certified property (hotel or resort). This must include CFC certified transport from the airport. You may take part in CFC approved excursions and activities within the Safe Travel Area during this period. Two days after you arrive in Fiji, you'll need to take an approved Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) at your hotel. After testing negative, you can continue to explore the Safe Travel Area or enter the community. You must have travel insurance with international coverage for COVID-19.
Refer to CAREFIJI for updates as the information above may be out of date at the time of reading.
I'm COVID SAFE PROTOCOL FOR LAND TRANSPORT SERVICES The following principles set out the mandatory minimum parameters for Public Service Vehicles and Driving Schools to operate using all COVID safe measures. All proprietors/operators, including Land Transport Authority must also follow the Protocols for COVID-Safe Business Operations. Public Service Vehicle (PSV) refer to all vehicles licensed under Part 6 of the Land Transport Authority Act 1998. These include vehicles, which are used for the carriage of passengers for hire, reward or other consideration, for example, buses, minibuses, taxis, carriers, rental and hire. Driving Schools are institutions permitted to operate as approved by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) under Part 5 of the Land Transport Authority Act 1998 and the Land Transport (Driving) Regulations 2000. The protocols and measures contained herein are designed to ensure minimal risk to public transport users and drivers and may be subject to review (modification, additional or removal).
1. All drivers and passengers must wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as masks, follow hygiene practices (hand washing and sanitisation) and maintain 2-metre physical distance at all times (including in vehicles). It is the responsibility of the proprietor/operator of the PSV to provide PPE to the drivers.
2. There must be available, in an easily accessible place in the vehicle, alcohol-based sanitisers for drivers and passengers. 3. All PSV must operate with 50% capacity. For example, if a bus has 60 seater capacity they must only have 30 passengers, that is, one passenger per seat. For taxis only
3 passengers must be permitted to be seated.
4. Any owner of a PSV in a containment zone must ensure that the PSV only operates within the containment zone, whilst in a non-containment zone they must ensure that the PSV only operates within the non-containment zone.
5. PSV operators must ensure that drivers and passengers have downloaded the careFIJI mobile application and keep the device with Bluetooth turned on. In the event the drivers do not have a smartphone, the operator must provide a smart phone with careFIJI application downloaded, with Bluetooth turned-on.
.6. Only in exceptional circumstances where the use of careFIJI is not possible, businesses must maintain a register for contact tracing information for employees and customers. This shall include but not limited to name, time/date, ID Card, residential address and next-of-kin contacts.
7. All providers of public transportation must register and acquire, careFIJI check-in, a unique digital geo-identification indicator, QR Code (checkin.digitalfiji.gov.fj). The QR Code must be displayed in entry and exit points. All passengers must scan the QR Code using their careFIJI application when getting on or off the vehicle. The operator must apply for a separate QR Code for each PSV they own.
8. Drivers, especially bus drivers, must have their temperature checked at the beginning of every shift and at the end of their shift. Only those with a temperature below 37.8ºC can be permitted to drive the PSV. Once an employee is identified to have fever (37.8ºC and above), and/or COVID-19 like symptoms, this must be documented and communicated to the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS).
9. The PSV drivers must not disembark and interact at bus/taxi stands, at any particular point.
10. Drivers must clean and disinfect all high-touch points in their vehicle at regular intervals, especially between trips.
11. Drivers must keep windows down to facilitate ventilation at all times. During adverse weather conditions, drivers may adjust the air conditioning.
12. Drivers are discouraged from any unnecessary physical contact with any passenger.
13. Passengers must at all times on public transport keep their masks on and sanitise their hands after touching any high-contact points in the vehicle.
14. Passengers are encouraged to travel during off-peak periods, as much as possible.
15. Passengers must keep at least 2 metre distance while waiting for the bus/minibus or getting on and off the bus/minibus. 16. Passengers must avoid talking to other passengers on public transports or even speaking on the phone to prevent spread of droplets.
17. Passengers travelling by bus must only use the e-ticket, whilst taxis and other PSV are encouraged to move to cashless mode of transactions to prevent the exchange of money. Where cash needs to be exchanged the driver and passenger must sanitise their hands immediately when receiving or giving money.
18. If a passenger displays any symptoms similar to COVID-19 whilst on the public transport, the passenger must immediately inform the driver and the public transport must be redirected to the nearest Government medical facility or a COVID-19 screening centre. All passengers on the public transport must remain in the vehicle until cleared by MHMS.